

BridgerConway took over YPF corporate website interface design, navigation patterns and layout.

Challenge and results.

BridgerConway took over YPF corporate website interface design, navigation patterns and layout.
Since the beginning of the year, the company has been going through this process of updating its digital channel for the purpose of consolidating its digital communication strategy, based on 2.0 web development.

YPF has selected Sharepoint 2010 as its website and content administrator.

The goals of the site are:
-Introduce YPF as an Argentine company that is close to the people, in technological expansion and committed to the development of our country.
-Develop a cutting edge website, not only in connection with its design but also in communication strategies, and set YPF as a example of digital channels in Argentina
-Develop a brand application strategy that allows for communication flexibility according to the different audiences (Corporate, YPF guide, Serviclub, Car Racing, etc.)
-Connect the brand with young users of digital platforms.
-Provide with simple and clear corporate information.

To sum up, the goal of its new website is to generate a space where users can have an impactful experience and can connect with its contents of interest and for consultation in a simple and clear way.




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